Did you know you can do one right thing in this very moment to feel and look better? You don’t have to change your diet, take on a new exercise, or buy the latest wonder drug. Just pay attention to your posture. Did you straighten up just now? Good. Let us will show you how work is ruining your posture and what you can do about it.

How Work is Ruining Your Posture and Health

Many of us work in jobs that can be difficult on our backs, necks, shoulders, etc. Whether we sit all day behind a desk or constantly move heavy items, it can all take its toll. While those who regularly move objects take constant precautions, we sitting types do not. You may think that sitting for eight hours a day would be good for your back, but you could be very wrong. Sitting for so many hours straight, especially with the wrong posture, can be just as bad for you.

Ask any chiropractor or orthopedic specialist if they advise lying in bed all day when you sprain your back. They’ll tell you that you need to move, stretch your muscles, and stay active.

Other Causes of Pain During Work Include:

  • Using too much force when lifting or moving heavy items.
  • Performing repetitive movements, particularly ones that involve the spine.
  • Sitting in a chair with inadequate support.
  • Arthritis, obesity, and psychological stress
  • And many others.

The Pandemic Isn’t Helping

Unfortunately, the COVID pandemic has significantly contributed to back pain and bad posture. For example, you may have a comfy work chair. However, if you’ve been working from home, you may be using a substandard one. The same goes for your desk, keyboard set up, and even screen resolution – leaning forward to read a screen is also not good for your back. Additionally, no one else is around, so that you may slouch more often and suffer from fuzzy slipper syn-drome- dragging your feet when you walk. All of these can contribute to poor posture and un-necessary pain.

“An inactive job or a desk job can contribute to back pain, especially if you have poor posture.”

The Mayo Clinic

What happened to Maria Bartiromo?

How to Improve Posture at Work

The good news is there are a few simple things you can do to correct nearly everything. One of the first items we recommend is seeing a chiropractor. The right chiropractor will help you deter-mine what good posture is for you. Once you learn it and become accustomed to it, you will be able to hold it regularly.

Do you perform a little stretching before working? Those of you who sit for hours at a time can take a little walk or do some basic stretching. Those of you who are more physical at work can stretch or do yoga exercises targeted to your problem areas. This simple 20 minutes of activity can pump blood through the body and to all of your muscles. As a result, their resilience to work stress increases, and you can better sit or move as needed.

Reconfigure Your Work Space.

Did you know that your work setup has a significant effect on your posture? Your desk, your screen, your chair, even your coffee cup coaster require correct placement. And, we do mean your desk. Too many people think their couch or bed is better for their back, but they would be wrong in most cases. There is a reason people use desks for work; a desk offers greater productivity because they force users to sit upright rather than slouch.

Your desk setup should have your computer or screen far away enough, so you don’t have to squint but not too close that you cause eye-strain. The top of the screen should be within five degrees of your line of vision. Similarly, your keyboard and mouse set up should be level, so you do not have to turn your wrists up or down to access them.

Invest in a Good Chair.

”Sitting in a chair with not enough back support can lead to back pain” – National Institutes of Health

Those of you who spend hours at a time in a work chair should know that investing in a good one can pay for itself. Here are a few must-haves when choosing an office chair:

  1. One that properly supports the curve of your spine, especially the lower back.
  2. Arm rests to allow you to rest your arms at a 90-degree angle with elbows slightly open.
  3. Adjustable height so your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  4. One that is resistant, but not too resistant to your leaning into it.
  5. Material that is easily cleaned and won’t create over-heating.

To get you started, here are a few of the Best Chairs for Back Pain for 2021. However, we recommend having a chiropractor help choose a work chair that is right for you.

Have a boss who needs to clear the expense of a new work chair? Remind him or her of how many work days are missed due to back pain.

There is a Clifton, NJ Chiropractor to Help Treat Back and Other Pain from Work

Finally, if your pain is keeping you from working to your best, consult a chiropractor or your fam-ily physician. And if you are uncertain if chiropractic medicine is suitable for your pain or if you’d like to learn about an overall wellness plan, come and meet with ARW in Clifton. We will start by learning about your work style and lifestyle and then help you with a custom-tailored treatment plan.

Call us today for a consultation so you may heal your back and other work pain quickly and safely!

Would you like to learn more about how a wellness plan can help you?

Call us today for a consultation. A custom-tailored treatment plan will be created to suit your individual needs so that you can feel better quickly and safely!